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How do you get your caffeine kick?

According to the British Coffee Association, In the UK alone, approximately 55 million cups of coffee are consumed daily. What do you want to bet that many of those coffee drinkers are students? Caffeine’s restorative properties have been celebrated for hundreds of years now, and these students have even more ways of getting a jolt of energy for that one unavoidable overnighter.


1.     Coffee

A well-known and much-loved option, an average cup of coffee has around 95 milligrams of caffeine in it. By far the most popular means of caffeine consumption, coffee isn’t just a hot morning drink anymore. Iced coffee drinks, with plenty of added sugar, are also popular, especially in hotter months.

2.     Energy Drinks

Fun fact about most energy drinks sold these days: most of them don’t have the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, with an average of 35 milligrams in the bigger brands such as Red Bull or Monster. What makes them so popular is the healthy hit of sugar and energising vitamins like vitamin B12, all of which make them easy to drink and tasty.

3.     Yerba Mate – while probably not as easy to track down as coffee or a can of Red Bull, with around 85 milligrams of caffeine per cup, the South American herb packs a punch. The herbal infusion is always famed for its high antioxidant and mineral content and is less likely to result in caffeine “crashes” when you’re working. If you’ve already exhausted your supply of coffee and energy drinks, give Yerba Mate a try!